Thursday, November 08, 2007

Tonight marks the last session for the Family Dynamics Interactive Marriage Seminar - Dynamic Marriages. This seminar is basaed on the book "His Needs Her Needs" by Dr. Harley. Please keep all the couples in prayer - that God's will be done! Satan seeks to hurt marriages - and this class seeks to bring about healthy happy marriage relationships. Thanks to all who have helped in this! Feel free to check out:

Nikki is doing much better! My favorite saying of hers is: "This is an uphill fight - and I'm going to continue to fight!". Some of the treatments seem to be causing swelling - please continue to keep her and Gary in your prayers.

Gerald M. is headed back to SLC to help get another church building project in order. It is in the early phases of planning and obtaining permits. Please keep him in prayer as he works with the Southside Church of Christ in SLC.

Marie M. is headed back to Florida. Please keep her and her dad in prayer. Both Gerald and Marie plan to be back in Worland for Thanksgiving.

Joe M. is scheduled to be in Casper this coming Tuesday at 4:00pm for further testing and info. He is keeping an encouraging attitude - please keep him and his family in prayer.

Joyce and I are planning to head out for a vacation Friday 11/16/07. First to Rochester to visit Stacey Sikes at the Hands of Compassion Ministry. Then on to Chicago, Saturday to visit children and Grandchildren. Monday we hope to be in DeKalb to visit Joyce's folks and family. Tuesday we hope to head to Missouri to be with my folks, then Lord Willing starting out for Worland Monday 11/26/07. We feel so blessed to be able to enjoy some time with family - though we love our church family here in Worland so very much!

Joyce's hand is doing well for this stage of the game. She is able to use it much more, though there is still pain to deal with. In the image above, note the Trapezium. This bone had become arthritic - and was letting the thumb Metacarpal slip out of joint - a lot. So they removed the bone and took a tendon out of her forearm - and folded it - and replaced the Trapezium. Her other hand is scheduled to receive the same treatment December 7th - Lord Willing! Please pray!

May God bless all of us - as we continue to read and study His word with a view of making Jesus Lord of our Lives in every way!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Please keep everyone in prayer - by name! There are many who are thinking of being our guests at the assemblies and gatherings. May God draw them in! Thanks for taking time - and having courage - to speak up about Jesus and His church - making a positive difference!

Several among us are in need of prayer as well:

Ruth's sister-in-law, Niki, has been admitted to the hospital today. Her situation appears to be quite serious - please especially pray for her and her family.

Karen's doctor decided to postpone surgery as the risk was too high. There is a possible plan to obtain a second opinion. Please call or write a word of encouragement to her - and her husband.

Joe Sr. is to be in Sheridan on the 23rd. Will be traveling on the 22nd and the 24th.

Joyce's thumb – today marks 4 weeks and 3 days since her surgery. The pin was removed Thursday and today was her first day of physical therapy. These procedures went well, but there is some swelling and pain. She has a persistent cough.

Marie's Dad: He is going into a Senior Citizen's home, but remains in good spirits.

Roxine's Hand Update: her fingers will be taped together for a few more weeks. The issue is that a tendon - a foreign cord - is jumping over her knuckles. If taping does not help, then surgery is indicated. (Having worked with Joyce - and a hand issue - I am very sympathetic!)

Rich's testing – went well. Thanks for praying!

Jody and Drew Dacus are enjoying getting settled in Worland – Glad you guys are here! Thanks for the hard work - already! (Kelcy was here over the weekend from OC - hopes to be back home again soon!)

The Wednesday Night for the Master is going well. Thanks so much for the conspicuous effort and creativity being shown! The activities include: Card Writing, Visiting, Scrap-booking (Worland Church History), Bible Class, Prayer Group, Cooking and Clean-up. What would you like to do? Do you have any activities to add – that you and others might enjoy? Let us know your ideas!

Please pray for: Canella's daughter, Chris McGee's friend and Chris as she ministers to her. There are others to pray for as well, please refer to the Bulletin.

Dean has returned from his business trip to California. Welcome back! (He will be performing some engineering modifications to his product - Let's pray for wonderful success for his efforts and his business!)

Do you have any suggestions for the Blog? Please let me know.


God did not have to present our world to us in color, but could have made it black & white - dull. He did not have to provide the beauty of sunsets and sunrises, white clouds racing across the deep blue sky, flowers, vibrant colors of fall or the many hues of the Wyoming rocks and hills. But he chose to do so, and gave us the ability to enjoy these views - these pleasant and sometimes inspiring images. Not to mention all the other senses - the ability to touch, taste, hear and perceive frangrancies.

The thought that comes to my mind is - what senses does God have in store for our new heavenly bodies, that we are to receive in the twinkling of an eye? What scenes will we see there? How much more will we understand then? What senses do we lack in the physical body that keep us from perceiving the spiritual realm? Paul said that then we will see face-to-face, but that now we see through a glass - darkly (dimly, obscurely) in I Corinthians 13:12. Oh what will we know then the we do not know now? What will the sound of Angels songs be like? What will the fruit from the tree of life taste like?

Imagine those who spend their entire earthly life studying the creation, without ever looking to the creator. The complexities of creation are astounding, from the smallest particle to the largest physical thing we can describe - there is great beauty - astonishing synergy - awe inspiring interactions are still being discovered. This beautiful place we inhabit could be so captivating, that someone could indeed study, learn and catalog - all without ever looking up to the Holy Father in Heaven. What a shock such a person will face on judgement day!

I'm reminded of a scripture that I believe applies:

Who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (Rom 1:25)

Let us strive to continuously pray, find that the Joy of the Lord is indeed our strength, work out our own salvation in fear and trembling, visit the sick, fatherless and widows - and love the Lord our God with all of the heart, soul and mind!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Update for 10/05/2007 -

Karen: has to go to SLC on the 10th for a pre-surgery checkup and then surgery on the 18th. Please pray that all goes well!

Marie's Dad: He's doing well. He is in a re-hab center, not sure how long - four to six weeks of physical therapy and then transfer to an assisted living facility. He is anxious to be up and around, but is in wheel chair for a while, as he was in the hospital for over a week.

Gerlad is back home - I'm sure he'd appreciate a call and/or visit! Welcome back!

Holly's lasik surgery went well, fully recovered.

Joyce's thumb surgery - not much change. She is looking forward to getting the pin out next week.

Please keep our nursing home loved ones in prayer such as Ruby, Neil (and Marie), Dave's mom, Joe Maya Sr.'s mom - and others.

Elijah is not in the hospital anymore - seems to be doing well - Praise God!

Several are not feeling well / under the weather: Jacque, Niki and others.

Dean is on the road, promoting his Monalift business in California and Nevada. Please pray that all goes well.

Please add items to: A box in the Foyer for a Soldier and a basket also in the foyer as a welcome basket for Dick and Sharon.

Judie and Katrina attended a ladies retreat last weekend in Jackson featuring the author of "Fueled By Faith", the text used for the Friday ladies Bible study.

Freshman High School Volleyball play-offs are this Saturday - please keep Karsyn in prayer - and others!

Please continue to pray for various studies and counseling sessions that are ongoing.

Many thanks for all the Bibles that were donated to be dispersed in our community!!

Moved In:

The Dacus family is moved in. Special thanks to all those who helped unload and carry items! They are working to down-size from a large house in Sheridan to a smallish apartment here in Worland!

Church News:

Wednesday Night for the Master is going well - thanks for all the participation and assistance! Ministry opportunities include: visiting, card writing, cooking / cleaning, classes for children and adults.

Please continue to support and pray for Worland church ministries:

Birthright (alternatives to Abortion) - contact Peggy.

Men's Friday 7:30am Fellowship at Ranchito's - contact Jim Blake.

Women's Friday 6:30am Bible Study at Judie's - contact Judie.

Women's Tuesday 10:30am Bible Study - at the Building - Contact Roxine.

Nursing home prayer, study and singing - Tuesday's at 6:30pm - contact Ken.
Women's Prayer Group Meetings Monthly 1st Sunday 4:00pm - contact Judie.
Are there other ministry opportunities that exist in the congregation? Please let me know, so as more can be included!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Please add to prayer list per Chris McGee:

Ann Stine - who has been battling cancer for many years. Recently she has had several procedures that have left her very weak, ill and in pain. Please pray that Chris will know how to show her Jesus' love and do what needs to be done for her.. and her family.

Hello to Everyone!

Am planning to begin updating this Blog regularly. Would also like to use it as a way to communicate those needing prayer at the congregation.
Please Pray for the Following:

Please pray for Karen, who is soon headed out for surgery. Rich is recovering from a cold. Keep them in prayer, as they will be traveling to SLC for the surgery.

Marie Molzahn's dad is ill - in Florida. Please pray that all is well.

Gerald is supposed to be back Friday from his building project in SLC. We all look forward to having him back here in Worland!

Elijah, Joyce and Kevin's grandson was admitted to the hospital last night, diagnosed with pneumonia. He may have to stay another night - on Oxygen. Our son - Israel - is staying at the hospital with them.

Holly is recovering from Lasik Surgery yesterday (09/27/07).
Hillary is recovering from a C-Section.

Ruby needs prayer for her ongoing illness and is scheduled to go to Billings for a procedure.

Joyce's hand is progressing well, but there is still pain. The plan is to have the pin removed in two weeks. I'll plan to take some good pics - if you are non-squeamish and want to see them, let me know.

Stacey Sikes car has been repaired. Special thanks to Rich and Roxine for providing transportation and care for Stacey while he was here. Stacey provided a lot of information on the Hands of Compassion ministry - we Praise God for the ministry, his passion and sharing last Sunday.

This Sunday is the 5th Sunday, so there are plans for a pot-luck and early devotional.

The church has launched "Wednesday Night for the Master" where members gather at 6:00pm for a meal and then break up into service and ministry groups. Please find the sign up sheet in the foyer, and prayerfully sign up for the area that You can provide ministry and service to God.
Please remember our teenage athletes as they participate in sports - that they would be protected from injury.
Special thanks for prayers for Baba Oshinowo, a member of the church, in his 2nd year as a pro-football player, who was playing for the Browns but has now been picked up by the Chicago Bears. He is number 70, and is currently on the practice team. Pray that he remains free from injury and is able to work his way onto the active roster. You can read about brother Baba Oshinowo at as you can search for his last name - he is the only one until his little brother graduates :).

Especially pray for the couples involved in the Eight (8) week Dynamic Marriages interactive seminar. You can find out more info at: or contact me, Kevin Bentch at - or phone me.
There are several counseling and Bible study efforts going on - please remember to pray for them all.
Please take advantage of these Ministry Opportunities:

Birthright (alternatives to Abortion) - contact Peggy.
Men's Friday 7:30am Fellowship at Ranchito's - contact Jim Blake.
Women's Friday 6:30am Bible Study at Judie's - contact Judie.
Women's Tuesday 10:30am Bible Study - at the Building - Contact Roxine.

Women's Prayer Group Meetings Monthly 1st Sunday 4:00pm - contact Judie.

Are there other ministry opportunities that exist in the congregation? Please let me know, and I will plan to include them in this Blog.

There are a lot of hunting efforts here in beautiful Wyoming. Let's remember to pray for safety and success for all!! Here is a picture of me and Ken in the Absorka's. Special thanks for Ken traveling slowly with a green-horn like me!

As you may know, Ken set up a tent in the Absorkas with plans to set up a secondary tent in over the another ridge. However, during his next visit or so - he discovered that the Elk were not to be found. So he has moved his camp to another area.
Please let me know what you think of having this Blog media available for our use as a body. I am so encouraged by all the hard work efforts ongoing and the mind to work in the Kingdom of God! Let us all pray that God takes charge of this effort - and draws many souls! I am looking forward to incredible growth and increases in maturity.

A scripture that I read today impacted me:

Rom 12:16 Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.

Rom 12:17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.
Rom 12:18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
Rom 12:19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord.


Rom 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
There are people in my past that I have to forgive often, sometimes every day. Most of these have moved on, and I need to move on as well. There was a time when I was unable to pray for them. However, God tells us that we must forgive from the heart. From the core of our being we must forgive others. I am comforted that God is in charge of settling and balancing the scales - hence His holy word that He is in charge of revenge.
Why do we want to take revenge? I think it is because we want to settle the scales - we want to make it right - and since we have been hurt, we want to hurt someone else. Every time I give in to temptation to take revenge such as through harsh words, angry outbursts, disrespectful judgements or the like - I have never accomplished anything good. Oh, I may have a momentary feeling of satisfaction - but this is immediately followed by remorse for having violated God's perfect will. James tells us that our wrath never accomplishes God's will. Hebrews tells us that when we have a root of bitterness growing that it can cause a lot of trouble and defile many.

Let us all take a moment and forgive someone that we need to forgive - freeing us of fretting and temptation to do something that we may regret. That each and every one of us can do God's will, instead of our own.

Have a suggestion or a comment? Please let me know!

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Kevin (and Joyce)