Monday, January 19, 2009

With no discernible vacation since Thanksgiving 2007 (over a year ago!!) we decided to take a couple of days off. I know, driving to Thermopolis is pretty lame, but we really need to stay close to Worland, just in case :). Emmanuel seems to be doing well. He has not had any crises. Further, his immune system seems to be excellent having thrown off 3 colds since his birth, nearly 5 months ago.

There is someone to pray for - a 2 year old boy, Gage Fyffe is near death. He has been diagnosed with inoperable cancer. His family has gathered at the hospital. Please remember to pray for them. With Emmanuel's SCD (Sickle Cell Disease) looming - sufferings of others are more keenly felt.

I am trying to figure out this "Not Me Monday" post. I think I can do the post, but not sure how to establish a link to the site. My dear daughter Jessica ( is doing so well with all of this and has encouraged me to join. We shall see!

So here we are enjoying the hospitality of a hotel in Thermop (as the locals call it). As we were driving up to the front door, right beside the door is a grassy yard - and on that yard are three deer - enjoying a snack. The folks in the restaurant were enjoying watching the deer as well. They are beautiful majestic creatures.

May God bless you in your studies, as you strive to become closer to him in every way. I'm trying to learn to stay on the altar per Romans 12:1-2 where our very bodies are to become a living sacrifice. I'm also trying to learn to love the Lord God with all my heart, soul and mind. Jesus explained this is the most important command (Mt 22:37; Mark 12:30 and Luke 10:27). These verses are quoted from Dt 6:5. The passage Dt 6:4-6 comprise the "Shema Yisrael" or "Hear O Israel" which is quoted twice daily I believe, as part of the Jewish faith. I've been trying to learn better how to obey this command of Jesus - to truly love God in this way. I know how to love him with all my mind and all my heart. But how do I love him with all my soul? The thought here is that the soul is the very essence of the person. The life force - that which makes you - you. That which the Lord God will require of you some day. Love him that way - with your life, if need be. Does that make sense?

Have a blessed day!

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